
Rani Pramesti (she/they) is the Creative Strategist behind Creatives of Colour, an online platform for creative people of color based in Kulin Country (Melbourne). Rani designs programs and services that nurture the next generation of creative visionaries and makers, with a focus on justice and community upliftment. They challenge existing decision-making structures and power practices. Additionally, Rani is the Program Producer for the Victorian Independent Producers Initiative and Strategic Visioning at Theatre Network Australia, where they lead advocacy campaigns to highlight the value of arts and culture. Since graduating from the University of Melbourne’s Victorian College of the Arts in 2013, Rani has worked with underrepresented groups in the arts, collaborating with diverse practitioners, First Nations communities, and Deaf and disabled individuals. Through Rani P Collaborations, they lead teams across Indonesia and Australia to create transformative experiences at the intersection of storytelling and technology, working across Kulin Country (Melbourne), Jakarta (Indonesia), and Ohlone Country (San Francisco).

Rani Pramesti (she/they) adalah Creative Strategist di balik Creatives of Colour, sebuah platform daring untuk orang-orang kreatif kulit berwarna yang berbasis di Kulin Country (Melbourne). Rani merancang program dan layanan yang mendukung generasi visioner kreatif berikutnya, dengan fokus pada keadilan dan pemberdayaan komunitas, menantang struktur pengambilan keputusan dan praktik kekuasaan yang ada. Selain itu, Rani adalah Program Producer untuk Victorian Independent Producers Initiative dan Strategic Visioning di Theatre Network Australia, di mana ia memimpin kampanye advokasi untuk menyorot nilai seni dan budaya. Sejak lulus dari Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne, pada tahun 2013, Rani telah bekerja dengan kelompok yang kurang terwakili dalam seni, berkolaborasi dengan praktisi yang beragam, komunitas First Nations, serta individu tuli dan penyandang disabilitas. Melalui Rani P Collaborations, ia memimpin tim di Indonesia dan Australia untuk menciptakan pengalaman transformatif di persimpangan penceritaan dan teknologi, bekerja di Kulin Country (Melbourne), Jakarta (Indonesia), dan Ohlone Country (San Francisco).

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