We pay tribute to our 2024 Festival with weekly highlights, showcasing the brilliant minds who graced our stages.
Talks & Conversations
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Listen in as New York Times bestselling translator and Korean-to-English writer Anton Hur discusses his debut novel with Norman Erikson Pasaribu. Known for his award-winning translations, Anton proves his literary prowess in this tale, crafting a narrative that is both expansive in scope and deeply introspective.
Anton Hur: Toward Eternity - A Novel
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This week on our program, Indian-British journalist and best-selling author of Empireworld, Sathnam Sanghera, speaks with host Gill Westaway about how Britain's imperial history has influenced modern life, including aspects such as politics, education, culture, and ethnic composition, resulting in a range of effects.
Sathnam Sanghera: Empireworld
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Listen back to a stellar group of expert podcasters and journalists, including Maltese author Paul Caruana Galizia, Indonesian journalist and anthropologist Tito Ambyo, and Australian reporter Annika Blau, as they discuss how podcasts captivate audiences and transcend traditional media barriers.
The Rise of Audio Storytelling
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Return to an extraordinary panel conversation recorded live from #UWRF24, featuring dissident writer and Burmese activist Ma Thida and Ben Bland, an expert on Asian geopolitics, as they discuss the stress tests and decline of democracies in Asia with a spotlight on Myanmar.
Fighting for Democracy in Myanmar
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Revisit a conversation with Indonesian author Abi Ardianda, Irish writer Alan Murrin, and Malaysian novelist Ong Chin Huat as they explore the art of creating relatable protagonists through balanced traits, desires, and fears.
Crafting Characters
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We invite you to revisit our panel discussion with distinguished speakers who seek to understand the dire impact by exploring the historical roots, critical events, and pivotal moments shaping this enduring conflict.
A Historical Perspective and the Future Outlook on the Israel-Gaza Conflict
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In this discussion, authors Dee Lestari, Laura Elizabeth Woollett, and Kylie Needham explored the emotional landscapes they create, the societal influences shaping romantic narratives, and fresh perspectives on love.
Romantic Entanglements: Exploring Love in Novels
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Listen to an urgent conversation from this year’s festival featuring renowned best-selling authors Amitav Ghosh, Sathnam Sanghera, and Isna Marifa as they explored the history of European colonialism and its outcomes.
Amitav, Isna and Sathnam: Reframing Colonial Histories
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In this first episode, Nobel Prize–winning author and journalist Maria Ressa explores the impact of social media on journalism, the fight for press freedom, and the need for ethical storytelling in a fractured world, moderated by Janet Steele.
Maria Ressa: How to Stand Up to a Dictator
Shelf Therapy
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In this episode of Shelf Therapy Book Club Podcast, we chat with Aubrey Lescure, a French Chinese-American novelist and author of River East, River West.
Shanghai, Cross Cultural Kid, and Finding a Voice: A Deep Dive with Aubrey Lescure
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In this episode of Book Club Podcast, we are honored to host Shoukei Matsumoto, a Japanese Buddhist monk and author of A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind.
Shoukei Matsumoto on Cleaning, Rituals, and the Path to a Quiet Mind
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In this episode of Book Club Podcast, we sit down with British-Japanese actress and novelist Hanako Footman and Australian author Laura Elizabeth Woollett.
Hanako Footman & Laura Woollett on Writing, Beauty, and Societal Expectations
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In this episode of Book Club Podcast, we welcome acclaimed Indonesian author Ratih Kumala, known for her bestselling novel Cigarette Girl, recently adapted into a popular Netflix series.
From Pages to Netflix: Ratih Kumala on Cigarette Girl, Sinetron, History & Fiction
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In this episode of Book Club Podcast, we dive into a thought-provoking discussion with renowned South Korean author Bora Chung and Korean American author Juli Min.
Cursed Bunny & Shanghailanders: Horror & Fiction Help Us Understand Better | Bora Chung & Juli Min
Festival Highlights
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Replay all the memories of our remarkable four-day celebration with our Festival highlights video.
Festival Highlights
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As a small organization with a big mission, we rely on your support to continue our work.
Support our Festival
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This year's trailer and what to expect from our Festival