Bringing UWRF in a Way That Feels Truly Intimate: In Conversation With Gustra Adnyana

With less than a month until we share our full program, we are so excited that we don’t think we can wait a whole month to share it with you. So, we asked Gustra Adnyana, our Indonesian Program Manager, which acclaimed storytellers people can look forward to at our 2024 festival and for some tips for first-time festival attendees.

In your experience, what sets the Festival apart from other literary events around the world?

I first discovered UWRF in 2009, and initially, I didn’t understand what attracted people from all over to Ubud. But after being involved with the Festival, it all makes sense. UWRF stands out because it brings together writers and readers in a way that feels truly intimate. The festival's program is wonderfully diverse, delving into how literature intersects with film, creativity, activism, food, lifestyle, arts, and culture, which makes it engaging for a wide audience. The success of UWRF is also due to the dedication of hundreds of volunteers from various backgrounds, whose enthusiasm creates a unique connection with the event each year. The entire Ubud community supports the festival, from transportation and performers to local businesses and security, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Lastly, Ubud's rich culture and natural beauty provide a breathtaking backdrop that enhances the festival experience.

As an avid reader and a program manager, you must read a lot of books! What are your favourite titles of 2024 so far, and which books are currently on your bedside table?

Right now, I’m diving into Agustinus Wibowo’s latest book, Kita dan Mereka. I’m also checking out Linda Christanty’s new release, Jangan Percaya Surat Palsu, and I’m particularly excited about Perkara Keramat by Raisa Kamila, an incredible writer from Banda Aceh.

This year's theme is 'Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara: Speak the Truth, Practice Kindness'. How did you approach selecting authors and programs that align with this theme?

For this year's theme, ‘Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara: Speak the Truth, Practice Kindness,’ we selected authors and programs that truly embody these values. We aimed for a mix of perspectives and created content that’s both engaging and impactful. We focused on issues that matter both globally and locally, including the social, political, and environmental challenges faced by Indonesia. We also teamed up with organisations, communities, and individuals in Indonesia who are passionate about truth and kindness. Our goal is to craft a festival that not only celebrates literature but also helps people understand and practise these principles in their daily lives.

What can people look forward to at the festival this year? Any exciting highlights?

This year, the Indonesian Program is excited to showcase a fresh take on Indonesia. 10 emerging Indonesian writers will be launching a bilingual anthology of their best short stories after going through a rigorous selection process by the talented curators Dee Lestari, Faisal Oddang, and Juli Sastrawan. We’ll also be celebrating Soesilo Toer in anticipation of the centennial of Pramoedya Ananta Toer next year. Goenawan Mohamad will make a return to the festival, and we’ll enjoy a performance of his play, Den Kisot. There will also be a special tribute evening for the beloved Balinese writer Cok Sawitri. Each evening, you can listen to a range of Balinese and Indonesian poets reciting their work. We’ll discuss the film Eksil with Lola Amaria and screen the short film Basri & Salma in a Never-Ending Comedy with up-and-coming director Khozy Rizal. Renowned Indonesian authors like Ayu Utami, Seno Gumira Ajidarma, Ratih Kumala, and Agustinus Wibowo will be joined by Makassar poet M. Aan Mansyur, and we’ll hear stories from Papua by gender-based violence expert Dominggas Nari, activist-writer Lian Gogali, and see Indonesia Dari Pinggir by Fatris MF. There’s so much more I can’t list here, but it’s all set to make for an amazing and memorable event!

“UWRF stands out because it brings together writers and readers in a way that feels truly intimate.” —Gustra Adnyana

Do you have any tips for people attending the Ubud festival for the first time?

Don’t limit yourself to just panel discussions—get involved in workshops, film screenings, book launches, and cultural performances to fully experience the festival. Feel free to say hello to your favourite authors. With a diverse crowd from all over the world, it’s a great chance to network, make new friends, and build professional connections.

Lastly, what would you like people to take away from this year’s festival?

Feelings that inspire them to write, read, and act for the better. Writing has power and a voice, and it can influence many people. At the very least, I hope they leave with a sense that their lives make a difference to others. I also hope they come away with a deeper appreciation for Indonesia, its culture, and its literary scene.

More exciting updates are on the horizon, with the full festival program set to be unveiled on 27 August 2024. Don't miss your chance to be part of this literary celebration! Secure your tickets now at and enjoy an early bird sale while it's still available.


Early bird tickets are available until 27 August 2024.
2024 Festival
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