Climate Day
27 October 2024 | 09:00 - 09:30
Alchemy Yoga and Meditation Center

Acclaimed author Amitav Ghosh opens the Festival's Climate Day with a keynote that examines the connections between climate change and colonialism, drawing from his book The Nutmeg's Curse. He argues that the dynamics of climate change are deeply rooted in a centuries-old geopolitical order shaped by Western colonialism. Ghosh delves into the intricate relationships between history, colonization, and the global spice trade, illuminating the often-overlooked narratives that continue to influence our world today.

Penulis ternama Amitav Ghosh membuka Climate Day dengan pidato yang mengkaji keterkaitan antara perubahan iklim dan kolonialisme, yang diambil dari bukunya The Nutmeg's Curse. Ia berpendapat bahwa dinamika perubahan iklim berakar kuat pada tatanan geopolitik berusia berabad-abad yang dibentuk oleh kolonialisme Barat. Ghosh menggali hubungan rumit antara sejarah, penjajahan, dan perdagangan rempah global, menyoroti narasi yang sering diabaikan yang terus memengaruhi dunia kita hingga hari ini.

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