
Ochie Chandra is a colored pencils and watercolor artist and also the School Director and Co-Founder of Cinta Bahasa. Originally from West Sumatra, Ochie holds a degree in English Literature from Andalas University in Padang. Fluent in English, she has worked as an interpreter and translator with the US Embassy in Jakarta and has years of teaching experience. In her 20s, she taught Advertising & Media at Bina Nusantara University in Jakarta and also has worked as an advertising copywriter with big agencies in Indonesia. Ochie also has also completed extensive training and certification with BIPA, the Indonesian Ministry of Education’s Department. She has written poetries since she was young and has published her own Poetry Book called A Tale of Crestfallen and it was launched at the Ubud Writers and Readers Festival 2013. In the past, she had volunteered and also worked as the Volunteer Coordinator at the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival and Ubud Food Festival.

Ochie Chandra adalah seorang seniman pensil warna dan cat air, serta Direktur Sekolah & Rekan Pendiri Cinta Bahasa. Berasal dari Sumatera Barat, Ochie meraih gelar Sastra Inggris dari Universitas Andalas di Padang. Fasih berbahasa Inggris, ia pernah bekerja sebagai juru bahasa dan penerjemah untuk Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat di Jakarta dan memiliki bertahun-tahun pengalaman mengajar. Di usia 20-an, ia mengajar subjek Periklanan & Media di Universitas Bina Nusantara di Jakarta dan pernah bekerja sebagai copywriter periklanan untuk agensi-agensi besar di Indonesia. Ochie juga telah menyelesaikan pelatihan dan sertifikasi BIPA dengan salah satu departemen di Kemendikbudristek. Ia menulis puisi sejak muda dan telah menerbitkan buku puisinya yang berjudul A Tale of Crestfallen, yang diluncurkan di Ubud Writers & Readers Festival 2013. Sebelumnya, ia juga pernah menjadi relawan dan bekerja sebagai Koordinator Relawan di Ubud Writers & Readers Festival dan Ubud Food Festival.

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